Wednesday, April 8, 2009

My First

So i've decided to start blogging about my weight loss and how im going with it. I figure if i keep a proper account of what i eat and how i try to loose the weight ill be more likely to stay on track.

Well today i woke up and had two and a half weatbix with half a banana and honey. The honey probably was a bad idea and it was alot of carbs but i always feel its important to eat breakfast.
Than of course i snacked and had little things like hommus on crackers and the likes. Than i had a salad with olives and danish feta which is not good but i just love it so much and smoked tuna from the can. So it wasnt to bad not like eating maccas or something shocking like that but still after that i baked cookies. I must have eaten so much cookie dough i felt so guilty so i went and had a shower and throw it up until i was throwing up salad than i stopped. After that i didnt eat till tonight when my family had over my cousins. I had marinated chicken drumsticks and salad. I didnt eat any patatoe or sausages or steak. I only had salad and chicken but i of course over did the sizing and ate to much than i had a shocking sweet tooth, so i nuked a Betty crockers apricot pie and ate half of it before i felt mega mega guilty and had another shower and thru pretty much all of my dinner up...and the pie! Gosh im so bad!
I havent done any exercise in ages either. Ive got to do something soon!

Weight a.m : 63.1

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